Love audio self-healing tools & energy work?
Make sure you check out the fantastic value of the
EnergyWorks Audio Healing Toolkit.
Make sure you check out the fantastic value of the
EnergyWorks Audio Healing Toolkit.
Healing Tools for Audio-Philes
& their animals
FREE Yummies!!!
"The embedded energetic recordings on Rudy Hunter's websites are wonderful.
I turn to them every time I need help. My favorite is Glass Half Empty/Full, especially for situations or people that are extremely difficult for me to deal with and that I feel like running away from. With that recording, I deal with the problem without having to face it head on and hardly even having to look at it. What a gift that is!"
-- K. Griffith; Texas
I turn to them every time I need help. My favorite is Glass Half Empty/Full, especially for situations or people that are extremely difficult for me to deal with and that I feel like running away from. With that recording, I deal with the problem without having to face it head on and hardly even having to look at it. What a gift that is!"
-- K. Griffith; Texas
Here it is & it's free to listen! It's less than 9 1/2 minutes.
Turn up your speakers, press play & enjoy!
Turn up your speakers, press play & enjoy!
Releasing Grief With Rudy Hunter
This is a powerful session with Rudy on mp3 with embedded energetics that will help you let go of the damaging effects of unresolved grief. It's gentle, powerful & very effective. You'll get more freedom with every listening thanks to the encoded energywork in the recording. You can purchase your copy below. You might consider giving this mp3 as a gift to someone you know who is in the grip of grief and cannot seem to free themselves. It is $75.00 and runs 44 minutes w/embedded energetics. You can use any major credit card or your PayPal account.
The EFMBT recording is here for you to enjoy!
It's FREE!
What is EFMBT & why does it cripple you? Learn about your own EFMBT's and use the Energetic Wave in this recording to help you. It's just over 9 minutes long and a short [and fun!] course in consciousness.
Turn up your speakers & press play below to enjoy the energetics...
It's FREE!
What is EFMBT & why does it cripple you? Learn about your own EFMBT's and use the Energetic Wave in this recording to help you. It's just over 9 minutes long and a short [and fun!] course in consciousness.
Turn up your speakers & press play below to enjoy the energetics...
Here's awesome feedback on EFMBT for you:
Hi, Funny, I was going to email you today. Last night I was in the middle of an intense anxiety moment.
I tried various things and processes...I finally got to the Flying Monkey's
Process. It vanished about 90 pct of it right away!! It took my intense "thinking" away
and cleared my head. Is that something I could do daily just to clean out the mental sludge?
Deep Gratitude,
--A. Smith, Atlanta, Georgia
Hi, Funny, I was going to email you today. Last night I was in the middle of an intense anxiety moment.
I tried various things and processes...I finally got to the Flying Monkey's
Process. It vanished about 90 pct of it right away!! It took my intense "thinking" away
and cleared my head. Is that something I could do daily just to clean out the mental sludge?
Deep Gratitude,
--A. Smith, Atlanta, Georgia
Here's Chakra Bending With Rudy Hunter for you to download & own:
Align your energetic self in less than 7 minutes.
It's totally FREE--you're welcome.
Here's Chakra Bending With Rudy Hunter for you to download & own:
Align your energetic self in less than 7 minutes.
It's totally FREE--you're welcome.
more to come soon...