After my first Healing Temple in March my anxiety which has been with me off and on for most of my life was much improved.
I decided to purchase Waiting For That Shoe To Drop and within two months my anxiety is 95% gone.
What a relief, thank you Rudy.
Mary Pat--Evanston, Illinois
I decided to purchase Waiting For That Shoe To Drop and within two months my anxiety is 95% gone.
What a relief, thank you Rudy.
Mary Pat--Evanston, Illinois
Waiting For That Shoe To Drop
With Rudy Hunter
If you're a worrier or anxious…spend 20 minutes with Rudy and gain REAL freedom!
Spend just 20 minutes with Rudy and bring all your worries, your anxiety & dread…and be led through some
very gentle EnergyWork to gain more freedom.
Rudy is quite candid on this recording about his own long struggles with anxiety and he knows how to help you
dismantle the locked-in layers of difficulty that the mind generates.
You'll use this energetically-embedded mp3 recording often so you can actually begin to change the pattern of anxiety
at the level of your nervous system.
You'll also be reassured that there IS a gentle way out…and it doesn't have to take a lifetime.
Rudy will help you with this in ways that few others can.
This is a recording to keep on your phone, laptop or audio player so it's always available to you.
It runs just 20:32 and it's both a map and a gentle guide back to your freedom & peace.
Purchase your personal copy & download it right now.
It is $55.00 and it will help you with your worries.
Much love,
very gentle EnergyWork to gain more freedom.
Rudy is quite candid on this recording about his own long struggles with anxiety and he knows how to help you
dismantle the locked-in layers of difficulty that the mind generates.
You'll use this energetically-embedded mp3 recording often so you can actually begin to change the pattern of anxiety
at the level of your nervous system.
You'll also be reassured that there IS a gentle way out…and it doesn't have to take a lifetime.
Rudy will help you with this in ways that few others can.
This is a recording to keep on your phone, laptop or audio player so it's always available to you.
It runs just 20:32 and it's both a map and a gentle guide back to your freedom & peace.
Purchase your personal copy & download it right now.
It is $55.00 and it will help you with your worries.
Much love,
Here's some lovely feedback on what this & other Rudy recordings can do from the United Kingdom:
I do keep meaning to send a comment in with regard to your amazing healing tools, they are a lifeline for me and I use them on a daily basis and if a day passes when I don't then that is because I have a reservoir of energy flowing in the right direction.
To date, my best tool is 'waiting for the other shoe to drop', it is amazing!!! I bought this on New Years Eve and started using immediately, initially, I had what I would refer to as a healing crisis, as things started flowing in the right direction, It was as though I was fighting against it and my anxiety increased until I 'let go' and let things happen. Sometimes the process needs you to be brave and face things in order to come out the other side and with your help I was able to do that.
I used this almost daily since, this totally eradicates my anxiety or at the very least subsides it enough for me to go about my day,
usually in a very positive manner, not quite my old self but better than I have been for years, 5 years in fact.
Linda -- United Kingdom
I do keep meaning to send a comment in with regard to your amazing healing tools, they are a lifeline for me and I use them on a daily basis and if a day passes when I don't then that is because I have a reservoir of energy flowing in the right direction.
To date, my best tool is 'waiting for the other shoe to drop', it is amazing!!! I bought this on New Years Eve and started using immediately, initially, I had what I would refer to as a healing crisis, as things started flowing in the right direction, It was as though I was fighting against it and my anxiety increased until I 'let go' and let things happen. Sometimes the process needs you to be brave and face things in order to come out the other side and with your help I was able to do that.
I used this almost daily since, this totally eradicates my anxiety or at the very least subsides it enough for me to go about my day,
usually in a very positive manner, not quite my old self but better than I have been for years, 5 years in fact.
Linda -- United Kingdom