Walking The Charts With Rudy Hunter
an energetic tool to prosper you
This mp3 is a powerful tool to prosper you by helping you magnetize into your life
the people, places & events that will help you.
That's a BIG claim!
Here's what one TeleSummit Host remarked privately to Rudy after his worldwide interview:
"You must have been using your own Walking The Charts technique, because we have DOUBLE the number
of people on the lines than usual".
Here's another great one from someone who didn't even know what the mp3 did before she listened to it:
"Hi Rudy, I just listened to Walking The Charts. I actually didn't have any idea what it was about. I was busy making new flyers to put in people's postboxes as a way to find new clients. My mouth fell open when you said the was an ideal call for finding new clients! I stopped working, sat down and listened. Within 15 minutes I got a call from a friend of mine who asked for my help for a big project he can't handle alone. Isn't that amazing? I will do more with the mp3 the rest of the evening. Thanks! --Toos, The Netherlands
So what does Walking The Charts actually do? Glad you asked.
It teaches a multi-thousand year old Oriental technique which practitioners have used to draw new clients to them.
I've added layers of energetics which make the process so much easier & faster. The energetics are embedded in the recording for you.
It's important to understand that this recording is NOT in any way a business technique!
Folks have successfully used this mp3 to attract more clients, more sales, more friends, more lovers and more dates to themselves.
It's really "woo-woo" neat-o because it uses the energy of love in very precise ways to make you visible & attractive to
those folks you want to connect with. Yum!
It's on mp3 with all the embedded energetics for you and is $155.00.
It's a full session with Rudy that lasts 55 minutes and teaches you everything you need to know
along with the supporting energetics.
You can download your copy today and begin attracting & magnetizing those folks you need & want
much more easily than you ever thought. Use the Add To Cart button below for secure PayPal processing
using any major credit card of your choice.